2012 was an amazing year. it is the last day of the year today (only three hours to go until midnight) and i thought nothing would be more fitting if i wrote a blog post about all the wonderful things that have happened in the past twelve months. i've met with more talented and creative people than i can count on two hands, traveled everywhere beautiful, and have grown so much as a person and as a photographer. here is a little list of the things that happened to me: 

i started off the year exploring and

traveling melbourne

with dan.

i officially make a living only from photography.

i set out to shoot a

music festival

and ended up shooting



i am part of the

evoke images

team shooting weddings.

i was


in culture magazine.

i shot for some





i hosted a

photography workshop

. and taught a few one on one workshops in between.

i went to a

photography meetup

and made lots of new friends.

i thought i would show you some things i got up to this year in pictures as well, after all i'm better at talking with pictures than i am at writing: 

i spent a lovely day with kiara rose. she showed me around her forest backyard and we took pictures and sat and talked in the long grass.

i became part of evoke images. a wonderful little team i am so proud to be shooting with! matt and i drove past forest fire burnt landscapes and stopped on the side of the road to get some pictures.

his camera bag vs. my tiny bag!

dan bought a ukulele which he records music for my short films with.

i went on lots of long drives. most of them with dan.

abbey love taking a photo of amelia zadro on one of our shoots. and some more behind the scenes:

the top of the world.

lauren was lovely enough to come along with me to two of my shoots to take behind the scenes pictures. i can't wait to share them with you!

lots of test shooting throughout the year. this is the lovely krystal from ava models.

my cat who jumps on my car the second i get home from shooting weddings in the middle of the night.

some self portraits on rainy christmas day.

bright fish swimming on the pavement.

a moment in between with ellie on our oh deer shoot.

sunsets while exploring.

walking down to the river at shoots and being tempted to swim in the muddy water on heatwave days.

visiting my dad.

a couple daydreaming in the park.

shoots on the side of the road (this is emma sabjan) where police drove past and put their sirens on to scare us. they drove away laughing when we all jumped and screamed.

self portraits by the creek.

outtakes from lookbook shoots.

wise words on the side of the street.

exploring the streets of sydney on shoots.

lunchtime with the lenni vintage team.

we made the street turn red.

blue rocks from smoke bombs.

wrapping up the lenni vintage shoot.

drives to the beach a few days ago.

detours through the countryside.

2013 will be different. simple, i guess. this is what i want to do:

travel somewhere outside of australia.

love more and be kind.

it's a short list i admit, but doing these two things will make me the happiest soul in the world. i guess i will see you all on the other side where i've got lots of new blog posts to make of pretty pictures and short films full of colour and wonder.

have a happy new year everyone! xo