Taking self portraits as a photographer can be beneficial for many reasons. When I first started photography and was learning my way around a camera, I would regularly take self portraits. It was an easy, pressure-free way to learn and try new ideas. Once I started gaining more confidence in my photography skills, I would ask my sister and school friends to model for me.

Once you’ve established yourself as a photographer, there are still benefits to taking self portraits. You can use yourself as a test subject for new lighting techniques. Practice on yourself first to make sure you’re happy with the light setup and final results before you shoot with your client. It’s also a great way to scratch that creative itch.

As a portrait photographer, it takes time to plan a photoshoot and gather a team. I usually shoot with a professional model and makeup artist. But I also need time to scout my photoshoot location, put together the styling for the shoot and decide what I want to capture at the shoot. By taking self portraits, you already have half of what you need - a subject and a photographer! Whenever you feel the itch to create, find an interesting location or a moment arises where the lighting is just right - you can spontaneously start shooting without the need to plan.

Self portraits are also the perfect way to have an updated headshot of yourself! I always find myself in the situation where I take hundreds and hundreds of photos for other people, but never have a decent photo to share of myself. I’m so busy behind the camera, I never find the time to be in front of it!

Watch my behind the scenes video below to hear some of my easy self portrait ideas you can re-create at home. I use props that anyone can find around the house to create interesting portraits of myself. Learn how to control your camera with your phone in this quick video tutorial to make taking self portraits a little easier!

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel, I upload new photography videos every week!

All photos are edited with my Lightroom Preset Packs!

All photos are edited with my Lightroom Preset Packs!

If you enjoyed this blog post, you might want to check out my photography with the GM 14mm f1.8 where Dan and I spent a day in the Blue Mountains together during autumn!


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